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The Project Repository is the interface between your project data and the SIMBA file(_.jsimba_). The Project Repository* allows you to:

  • Open or create a SIMBA project file
  • Get the designs saved in a project file
  • Save changes
ProjectRepository(string) Open an existing repository if the file already exists or create one if the file doesn't exist.
AddDesign(Design, bool) Add a design the project
AddLibrary(Library) Add a library to the project
AddResults(TransientAnalysisJob) Add Simulation results to the project
AddTestBench(TestBench) Add Test bench to the project
AddThermalData(ThermalData) Add Thermal Data to the project
FilePath() Return the path of the repository project file
GetACSweepByName(string) Find and return the first AC Sweep test bench with a given name
GetDesignByName(string) Find and return the first design with a given name
GetDesigns() Return a List of all the designs saved in the repository
GetLibraries() Return a list of all the libraries saved in the repository
GetTestBenches() Return a list of all the test benches saved in the repository
GetThermalData() Return a list of all the thermal data saved in the repository
IsTemporary() Return true if the file is temporary (File Attribute on Windows)
RemoveDesign(Design) Remove design
RemoveLibrary(Library) Remove library
RemoveResult(TransientAnalysisJob) Remove result
RemoveTestBench(TestBench) Remove test bench
RemoveThermalData(ThermalData) Remove thermal data
Save() Save the repository in the current project file
SaveAs(string) Save the repository in the given project file
UnsavedChanges() Return True if the repository has changes that are not savec in the project file