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TransientSolver runs transient analysis on a given design
To run a transient solver analysis:
- Call first the NewJob() methods. It will return a TransientAnalysisJob instance that will be updated with the results while the simulation is ongoing.

BaseFrequency Optional Base Frequency parameter. Used for:
- Improve accuracy of the steady State Detection.
- Enable to option to save only a selected number of periods in the scopes
BaseFrequencyParameterEnabled To enable or disable the base frequency parameter
CompressScopes if false, the scopes are not compressed (local error).
EndTime End Time of the analysis
FixedTimeStep If true the Time Step is fixed. If false, predictive time-step is used.
Name TransientSolver Name
NumberOfBasePeriodsSaved Optional Number Of Periods Saved parameter (Optional).
If set, only the specified number of base periods will be saved in the scope. The base period is calculated as "1/Base Frequency".
Will only work if the "Base Frequency" parameter is set.
NumberOfBasePeriodsSavedParameterEnabled To enable or disable the base frequency parameter
NumberOfPointsToSimulate If > 0, EndTime is not considered and the simulation stops when the number of points is reached.
SaveInitialPoint If false, the initial point is not saved into scopes.
StopAtSteadyState If true, End Time is not considered and we use the SSD algorithm to detect if the steady state is reached.
TimeStep Simulation Time Step (Fixed-time step)
Simulation Min Time Step (Predictive time-step)
NewJob(IProgress) Create a new simulation job