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Piecewise Linear Resistor



Piecewise Linear Resistor

This component represents a nonlinear resistor using a piecewise linear approximation, where the resistance, R, is defined as the ratio of voltage, V, to the current, I, passing through the resistor.

Resistance is expressed using segmented data points, for instance, (V1, I1), (V2, I2), (V3, I3). When the input current falls outside the range of these data points, the resistance value of the first or last segment is used.

Internally, this resistor is modeled by a voltage source in series with an ideal resistor. The voltage and resistor values are recalculated whenever the segment changes. Each segment change is considered by the solver as a discontinuity.

SIMBA returns an error if the input data points are not in ascending order of current.


The Voltage-Current matrix should have two columns. The first column lists voltage values, and the second column lists the corresponding current values.

Default Values

The default values represent a 1200 V power diode.


Electrical > RLC


Name Description
P Positive Pin (●)
N Negative Pin


Name Description
VoltageCurrentMatrix Voltage[V] - Current[A] Matrix