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A signal is a placeholder for a time-domain simulated variable.
It is composed of two vectors : Time data and Signal Data accessible through TimePoints() and Data()
Since Time Points are shared with all the signals of a singled run. They are stored in the shared class TransientAnalysisJob.

Signal(string, string, string, TransientAnalysisJob, double[]) Signal constructor (X data stored locally)
Signal(string, string, string, string, double[], double[]) Signal constructor (X-Y data stored locally)
DataPoints Signal Data.
Performance warning: Getting this property performs a deep copy.
Id Unique Signal ID
Name Signal name (Ex: DC1 - Voltage)
ScopeId Id of the scope rattached to this signal.
TimePoints Signal time data.
Performance warning: Getting this property performs a deep copy.
TransientAnalysisResults Transient Analysis Results containing Time Data
XName Name of the horizontal axis