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PSIM Schematic Import - Compatibility and Debug

SIMBA 23.01 introduced the capability to import and open PSIM XML netlist files.


This functionality is currently in Beta version. PSIM model could be not entirely imported. More information regarding the current compatibility are available here.


The import functionality is compatible with PSIM parameter files. The parameter file path is stored in the "Variable file path" of the Simba model. After the import, please ensure that the parameter file remains accessible to Simba or update the path if necessary. This compatibility is limited to the standard parameter definition format (name = value), including parameters referencing other parameters in their definition (e.g., name_1 = name_2 * name_2) or unit suffixes (e.g., m = 1e-3, k = 1e3, ...).

The below table presents the list of current compatible devices.

PSIM device type (in XML) PSIM device name Simba device type/Subcircuit Comments
Label Label Label
R Resistor lvl 1 Resistor
L Inductor lvl 1 Inductor
C Capacitor lvl 1 Capacitor
SSWI Bidirectional switch Controlled switch
DIODE Diode Rd & Vf Diode
THY Thyristor Thyristor
MOSFET Mosfet & Diode Mosfet with Diode
R3 Resistance (3phases) Imported using a subcircuit
L3 Inductance (3phases) Imported using a subcircuit
RL Resistance and Inductance Imported using a subcircuit
RL3 Resistance and Inductance (3phases) Imported using a subcircuit
RC Resistance and Capacitor Imported using a subcircuit
RC3 Resistance and Capacitor (3phases) Imported using a subcircuit
RLC Resistance, Inductance & Capacitance Imported using a subcircuit
RLC3 Resistance, Inductance & Capacitance (3phases) Imported using a subcircuit
IGBT IGBT lvl 1 Imported using a subcircuit
IGBT_RB Reverse Blocking IGBT Imported using a subcircuit
IGBT_RB2 Reverse Blocking IGBT dual Imported using a subcircuit
BDIODE3 3-phases diode bridge Imported using a subcircuit
BDIODE1 1-phase diode bridge Imported using a subcircuit
TF_IDEAL 2windings ideal transformer Ideal Transformer, 2 Winding
TF_3YY 3-phases Star/Star transformer Imported using a subcircuit
TF_3YD 3-phases Star/Delta transformer Imported using a subcircuit
OP_AMP Operational Amplifier Imported using a subcircuit
VDC Voltage DC DC Voltage Source
IDC DC Current DC Current Source
VSIN Sinusoidal Voltage source AC Voltage Source
VSQU Square voltage Square Wave Imported as control device
VTRI Triangular Voltage Source Triangular Wave Imported as control device
VSTEP Step Voltage Voltage Step Source
GATING Gating block Square Wave Imported as control device
CONSTANT Constant Constant Imported as control device
VCCVS Current Controlled Voltage Source Current Controlled Voltage Source
VVCVS Voltage Controlled Voltage Source Voltage Controlled Voltage Source
Ground Ground Ground
VSIN3 3 phases Voltage source Imported using a subcircuit
VNONM Nonlinear Multiplicator Voltage Source Imported using a subcircuit
INONM Nonlinear Multiplicator Current Source Imported using a subcircuit
VDC_GND Voltage DC with ground Imported using a subcircuit
VDC_GND_1 Voltage DC with ground Imported using a subcircuit
P Gain Gain
MULT Multiplier Product
DIVD Divider Division
SUM2 Summer Sum
SUM2P Summer ++ Sum
SUM3 Summer 3 inputs Sum
LIM Limiter Limiter
ABS Absolute Absolute Value
RMS Root Mean Square Root Mean Square
SIN_R Sinus(radian) Sinus
SQROT Square Root Square Root
COMP Comparator Imported using a subcircuit
COMP2 Comparator (deadtime) Imported using a subcircuit
ACTRL Alpha Controller Imported using a subcircuit
MUX2 Multiplexer (2-inputs) Imported using a subcircuit
SIN Sinus(degrees) Imported using a subcircuit
SIGN Sign device Imported using a subcircuit
NOTGATE Not Gate Not
ANDGATE And Gate And
NORGATE Nor Gate Imported using a subcircuit
SRFF Set Reset Flip Flop Set-Reset Flip-Flop
I Integral Integral
RESETI Resettable Integral Integral (resettable)
RESETI_I Internal Resettable Integral Imported using a subcircuit
PI PI device PID
D D device PID
FILTER_LP2 2nd order Low pass Generic Transfer Function
FILTER_LP1 Low pass 1st order Generic Transfer Function
FILTER_LP1 Low pass 1st order Generic Transfer Function
TDELAY_LOGIC Time delay Dead time
ZOH Zero order hold Zero Order Hold
UDELAY Unit delay Delay
TDELAY Time delay Delay
I_D Digital Integral Digital integrator
THD THD device THD
ABC2DQO ABC to DQ0 transformer Imported using a subcircuit
DQO2ABC DQ0 to ABC transformer Imported using a subcircuit
VP Voltage probe Voltage Meter
IP Current probe Current Meter
ISEN Current sensor Current Probe
VP2 Voltage Probe 2pins Differential Voltage Meter
VSEN Voltage sensor Differential Voltage Probe
MLOAD_T Mechanical load Speed Probe
TSEN Torque sensor Torque Probe
MLOAD_T Mechanical load Constant Torque
MLOAD Generic mech load Generic Load
MLOAD_WM Mechanical load Constant Speed
INDM_3S Induction motor Squirrel Cage Induction Machine
PMSM3 Permanent Magnet Motor Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM)