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Integral (Resettable)



The transfer function of the Integral block is defined as:

Initial Value + \frac{1}{s * T}

The integrator is resetted to the initial value on the rising edge of the Reset signal.

The output value can be limited between lower and upper limits.

When the "Wrapped Mode" property is checked, the output value is constrained to the range defined by the lower and upper limits. If the output value exceeds the upper limit, it wraps around to the lower limit, and vice versa. This wrapping behavior ensures that the output value remains within the specified range. ///


Control > Continous


Name Description
In Input
Out Output


Name Description
InitialValue Initial Integral Value
TimeConstant Time constant
Lower Lower output limit
Upper Upper output limit
WrappedMode Wrapped mode
SamplingTime -none or 0: No sampling. The system will be solved in the Newton loop (default).
-auto: Inherit the sampling time of its source device.
-Sampling Period: defined in seconds.